Around Britain (1947)

Full title reads: “Around Britain“. Introductory intertitle reads: “Widecombe“ Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Devon. Widecombe Fair. LS Uncle Tom Cobley riding through the streets on a white horse (or possibly ’Old grey mare’). CU he sits drinking on top of a signpost. MS girls engaged in a pillow fight, balanced on a horizontal pole. MS CU a tug of war contest between teams from Widecombe and Newton Abbot. Intertitle reads: “Cardiff“. Cardiff, Wales. Ceremonial handing over of the castle by the people of Cardiff by the Marquis of Bute. LS General view of Cardiff castle. CU pan up to the pennant flying from the castle. MS crowds of spectators. CU Lord Mayor G J Ferguson receiving the Keys of the castle from the Marquis of Bute. CU the Welsh standard flying from the castle. MS the procession of civic dignitaries to the ceremony. CU the Mayor and Mayoress lead the procession. CU the clock tower of the castle. CU small boys watching eagerly. CU the Mayor and Mayoress leaving. CU the Marquis of Bute rece
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