Lancashire - Cotton Crisis (1955)

Preston, Lancashire & London. GV. Preston cotton mills with man reading paper on foreground, & SV. CU. Paragraph in paper read “Modern Mills Lay Off“ GV. Interior, Cotton Mill - empty, & SV. Idle machinery, & SCU. & CU. SCU. Manager locking gates as he leaves, & SV. Manager walks away. SV. Office workers putting notices into pay packets of workers at another mill, & CU. & SCU. GV. Modern weaving shed where one weaver works on 20 looms, & SV. SCU. Girl operator, pan to bobbins. CU. Yarn going through machines at speed. SCU. Another machine operating at speed. SV. A man walks over and stops his machine. CU. Wheels stopping. SCU. Girl stopping her machine. CU. Girl removing bobbin and removing thread. LV. Clothes piling up in the warehouse, & SV. GV. Japanese cargo ship ’Akita Maru’ unloading at London docks, & AS. Bows showing name. SV. Cyril Lord on dictaphone in his office. SCU. Cyril Lord removing Japanese produced articles from his desk drawer: a nylon dress, price 8/6, another nylon dress, price 12/6, a
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