Special - Cea Conference Aka Delegates Arrive (1954)

Harrogate, Yorkshire. SV Harrogate railway station. Huge banner reads “ASSOCIATED BRITISH PATHE - Welcomes Delegates to the CEA conference.“ on a building. SV train coming into station. CU station name “Harrogate“. GV people getting off train. CU engine driver. Delegates still arriving. SV Majestic Hotel. CU Mr Walter Fuller. Follows a short sequence of delegates outside the hotel. GV Green with pipe in background and delegates standing around. SV pump and delegates. CU hand pressing button on pump. Delegates drinking water but not enjoying it. Delegates leaving hotel in stop-motion. CU sign “To Harry’s Bar“. GV Majestic Hotel, delegates going into Harry’s Bar in stop-motion. CU Harry Alder making drinks. Follows a sequence of delegates drinking, chatting and having a good time taken in Harry’s Bar. (Neg.) Note: this seems to be the continuation of the “CEA News“ story from the same issue. Again, in typical Colour Pictorial manner, one can follow Mr Fuller and Mr Whincup to Harrogate where they ha
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