News From USA - New York (1957)

New York SV. Pan sub super scene of New York showing plane wreckage and heavy snow falling at night. Men standing round the wreckage of plane crashed just outside La Guardia Airport - plane was going to Florida. CU. Pan, firemen working among the wreckage. CU. Pan, one of the engines lying wrecked on ground, pan to another. SV. Firemen working among wreckage. LV. Pan showing the wreckage strewn about. SV. Men carrying along a stretcher with a man on it. SV. Pan, person on stretcher with head bandaged. SV. Pan, man being led along with his head completely swathed in bandages and also his hands. SCU. Firemen holding little girl who seems to be all right and is smiling. SV. Person on stretcher being put into ambulance heavily bandaged. GV. Daytime, wreckage spread over ground. SV. Propeller lying in snow. SV. Part of aircraft in foreground with wreckage lying a long way off in the background. SCU. Part of the wreckage. GV. Wreckage, police investigators looking amongst it. GV. Pan, wreckage. (Orig. C.)
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