Washington Hails Ike’s 2nd Term (1957)

Washington DC, United States of America (USA). Traditional parade from Capitol to the White House marks President Eisenhower’s inauguration for the second term. TV. US President Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) standing up in a car waving to the crowd. TV. Vice-President Richard Nixon standing up in another car behind him, waving. TV. Brass band and long line of troops marching up the avenue, & TC. Troops wheel round. SV. Eisenhower and Nixon on the dais watching. TV. Troops marching past the saluting base with Eisenhower and Nixon watching. TV. More troops wheeling round. GV. Troops marching past Eisenhower and Nixon. GV. The “Redstone Missile“ being pulled past on a trailer (this is described as the army’s newest and largest supersonic weapon). SV. Foreign Officers watching the parade. TV. Large guided missile on a trailer being pulled past (Snark). SV. The Northrop Snark. TV. Long floats with flowers representing various states coming up the avenue. CV. Eisenhower watching. SV. Float from Augusta South with a m
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