Classic Itus (1929)

A burlesque dance performed by Jane Moore and Billy Revel. Introductory intertitle reads: “We’ve all seen those fairy-like dancers tripping lightly beyond the footlights. These two Jesters of Dance give us their idea on the matter.“ In front of a curtain Jane and Billy do some silly dancing. She is dressed in a ballerina type outfit and Billy is dressed in a suit with little wings attached. He holds a little bow, presumably to represent Cupid. Their dance involves looking bored, Billy picking up Jane and shaking her up and down, Jane jumping on Billy’s back and knocking him over, Jane doing some ugly pirouettes, Billy’s wings dropping down his shoulder, silly flirting, Billy pretending to pick flowers, smelling them then throwing them at Jane, Jane doing a bit of Charleston, Billy chasing Jane and firing an arrow from his bow which hits her on her bum and makes her wiggly, Billy swinging Jane around then them both falling down on the stage. Quite funny stuff! Was an item in Eve’s Film Review
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