Teacup Storm (1955)

STORM OVER PRICE INCREASES OF TEA. London and Winsford. SCU. Cafe, man pouring teas for a group of people. CU. Writing on window ’Tea 2d. per Cup’. SV. Workmen drinking tea outside cafe. Man in overalls drinking. CU. Railway man drinking tea outside cafe. LV. Cafe. Man finishing tea and throws dregs away. SV. Three farm workers drinking tea. CU. One of them drinking. CU. Sign ’Plantation House, Mincing Lane’. GV. Interior. Pan, tea auction in progress, & SV (2 shots). SV. Men in warehouse unpacking tea chests. CU. Ripping top off chest. CU. Emptying chest through grille. CU. Sample of tea on sheet of paper. Man picks handful and buries his face in it (Mr Davies). SV. Woman pouring out hot water onto tea in cups for tasters. LV. Tea tester tasting, & CU. & SV. GV. Interior, tea packing factory. SV. Girls packing tea. SCU. Packets onto moving belt. GV. Winsford. SV. Mr Tom Hope’s hardware and grocery shop. Old man enters. CU. Sign ’Special Concessions to Old Age Pensioners, Tea at Cost Price, Limit 1/2
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