Twickenham, Middlesex.
GV. England kick off. GV. of crowd. LV. Rowlands running for ball chased by three Englishmen He just manages to beat them and touch down by the flag. (England 0 Wales 3.) LV. Pan crowd cheering. STV. Quinn running with the Ball he is tackled drops Ball Wilson ceases on the chance and whips a pass out to Butterfield. Butterfield to Woodward The Welsh defenders (England 3 - Wales 3) (Half time.) CU. Scoreboard. LV. England attacking ball passed from one Englishman to another... when Woodward receives He dashes forward Evades the Last Desperate tackle by Welshman crosses line and touches down. SV Crowd Eng; 6 Wales 3. LV. Wales attacking.... Hard tackling. STV. Crowd. LV. Rowlands taking penalty kick. Ball over. CU. Scoreboard Eng 6 Wales 6. LV. Towards England attacking receives Evades some hefty marking throws and overhead and pass to Kendal-Carpenter who also throws an overhead pass to Winn who dashes forward and hurls himself over the line. Pan to cheer
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