Shoes Who (1929)

“Some of the smartest footwear of the coming season is in brocade.“ reads introductory intertitle. This is one of the nicest 1920s shoe fashion films in the Eve’s Film Review collection. M/S of three super glamorous women in sequinned flouncy frocks standing very close together showing off their shoes - camera pans down. A man kneels below the women (who stand on a podium) and moves one of the women’s feet to show it to best effect. He then turns each of the others’ shoes - as if looking intently at them. C/U of pair of shoes and a nice pair of ankles! The model turns to display the shoes. L/S of the model stepping down off a stage. She is wearing a coat trimmed with white fur. Studio set. Low angle shot of woman walking towards the camera modelling the shoes. High angle shot of woman’s feet modelling shoes. Another woman walks towards the camera. C/U of her shoes. Intertitle reads: “Remember, Adam, this is a Shoe Parade.“ C/U of pairs of legs which are seductively folded and unfolded -
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