German Arms: 9 Powers Agree (1954)

Lancaster House, London. SV Britain’s Foreign Secretary Mr Anthony Eden signing document granting sovereignty of Germany, & CU. SCU Mr Mendes-France, French Prime Minister chatting to Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of Federal German Republic. SCU Mr Spaak of Belgium signing. SV pressmen. SV Mr Mendes-France signing. SV pressmen. SV Dr Adenauer signing, & LV finishes signing. SV Mr Eden, Adenauer and Mendes-France. SCU Mr John Foster Dulles, American Secretary of State, signing. SCU pan, Mr Eden smiling and Adenauer with Mendes-France. LV delegates leaving conference room. SV Mr Dulles shaking hands with Adenauer, Spaak shaking hands with Mendes-France. SV crowd outside. SCU Mr Dulles leaving building. SCU crowd. SV smiling Anthony Eden leaving. GV London airport. SCU lead in for Mr Dulles’ interview (natural sound). CU Dulles saying: “All of us want to pay tribute to Mr. conference... building you very much.“ (Neg.) (Uncut Neg. “A“) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITI
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