Ready For The Big Bang (1956)

CHRISTMAS ISLAND PREPARES FOR NUCLEAR TESTS. Christmas Island, Pacific Ocean. GV. From the air, the beaches of Christmas Island. TV. DUKW’s in the water, they are carrying supplies from the mother ship to the shore. SV. DUKW coming in from sea onto ramp into mother ship to get more supplies. GV. Merchant ship laying off shore with DUKW’s manoeuvring round it. SV. Pan down on ship’s rigging to show the set up to move large portion of pontoon bridge off merchant ship into water. SV. Man waving directions. LV. Pontoon bridge section being lifted away from ship towards water. SV. Man waving directions. LV. Pontoon bridge section is lowered into the sea. CU. Board reading “Welcome from Xmas Island“. SV. Group of women and children, local inhabitants (two shots). LV. Pontoon on the shore line of vehicles on it. SV. Men push down runway tracks from the pontoon onto the shore. SV. Group of local children watching. LV. Heavy truck coming off pontoon onto beach. GV. Stripped portion of land with stores pil
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