Victory In Europe (1945)

Full title reads: “VICTORY IN EUROPE“. Germany & London. Several shots of British and Russian troops link up near Weismar, Germany. Men shake hands. Two officers speak on behalf of their men as they shake hands (natural sound). German high ranking officers approaching Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery’s Headquarters on Luneberg Heath for signing of the surrender. Monty seated at table reads the surrender terms. General-Admiral von Friedeberg signing surrender. General Kienzl signing the surrender. Rear Admiral Wagner signing. Monty signing on behalf of General Eisenhower. Close up shot of the surrender terms. Close up shot of a hand tapping a Morse key. Morse message being tapped out. Long shot of a German church tower. Several shots of the British troops cheering the surrender news. Monty leaving his caravan on Luneberg Heath - not in uniform. Several shots of Monty speaking about the victory, (natural sound). Various shots of the huge crowds in various parts of London on Victory in
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