Chelsea Flower Show (1968)

Chelsea Flower Show, London. Colour item. Panning shot Spanish Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. Panning C/U clematis. Zoom in C/U ditto. M/S Princess Alexandra and her husband Angus Oglivy walking through the garden. L/S ditto. C/U delphinium, zoom out to M/S. L/S bank of azaleas and rhododendrons. M/S horticulturist Harry Wheatcroft showing his latest rose, “Duke of Windsor“, to camera. C/U rose. L/S assorted cactus plants. Panning C/U pots of cacti. C/U another cactus with flower on top. Panning shot Queen Elizabeth II walking through the show. L/S as she is greeted by Princess Margaret with a peck on the cheek. M/S Princess Margaret holding two roses, they have been named after her. The Princess and the Queen chat. Panning shot garden. Zoom into C/U of a fuchsia. C/U pink flower called “Doris“. M/S two women looking at rose called “Gallant“. C/U rose. C/U poppy from Iceland, zoom out to M/S group of poppies. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLIN
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