Germany? (1954)

Germany. GV packed hall with audience applauding. Nearer shot, packed hall, cameramen in background. LV audience applauding as Adenauer prepares to speak. CU Adenauer speaking in German. SV, SCU, CU & CU dubbing scenes, audience listening. SV audience. SCU men on platform. GV audience. CU Adenauer ending speech. STV audience applauding. SV Adenauer waving to audience. SV audience applauding. LV Adenauer waving. CU Adenauer waving. GV pan, steel works. SV blasting furnace. CU steel worker. CU molten metal going into crucible. SCU Adenauer and others watching. SV & SCU furnaces being fired. SCU men firing furnace. SCU steel worker. STV sparks firing from furnace. CU steel worker. LV German Volkswagen coming off assembly line beneath the number 50,000. Rheims, France. LV towards, start of the Rheims Grand Prix. TV cars racing towards. SV pan, Fangio driving No 18 Mercedes-Benz. SV pan, Karl Kling driving No 20 Mercedes-Benz, both soon well in the lead. SV pan, rest of field racing among themselves. SV
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