Full title reads: “World At Your Elbow“.
Swedish Motor Grand Prix is won by a British driver, Parnell of Derby.
MS CU Spectators, in furred clothing hug themselves and eat hot sausages to keep warm. CU Prince Bertil, organiser of the contest and the French driver Chiron, chatting. LS the motorcars racing round the course. MS the winning car, No 11. finishing. CU Parnell, the winner, in drivers seat with bunch of flowers. Spectators crowd round.
The River Tiber floods in Rome, Italy.
CU a screenful of swirling muddy water. LS the river has risen to such a high level that it almost obscures the arches of a bridge. MS rowing boats rescue peasants. CU women going ashore from a rescue boat. VS of rowing boats lowered into river. LS a table floating down the river. MS Half drowned sheep move feebly as they lie on ground above the floods. LS the sun shining on the swollen river.
William John McKell succeeds the Duke of Gloucester as Governor General of Australia.
CU full length of Mc Kell walki
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The First Signs of Tyranny, From People Who Missed Them | NYT Opinion