I AM MY OWN ENEMY (“Eg er min eigen Fiendsmann“, )

“EG ER MIN EIGEN FIENDSMANN“ is the birth of a musical and aesthetic genre: TRUE NORWEGIAN WHITE METAL . This pilot collaboration between Norwegian artist Morten Traavik and his compatriot industrial artcore band Himeriksskvadronen (The Heavenly Kingdom Squad) is simultaneously a music video in its own right, part of the gesamtkunstwerk YES/NO and a journey by caterpillar tracks through our own zeitgeist, where White Knights can appear in many guises: rock stars, the declared insane, terrorists, UN peacekeepers, aid workers, artists, politicians and other interventionists with visions for the world. Director: Morten Traavik / Cinematography: Carl Dieker / Text: “Eg er min eigen fiendsmann“, poem by Olav Aukrust from the volume “Solrenning (Sunrise)“ (1930) / Music: Himerikssvadronen / Lieutenant Simmswatts - battery / Lieutenant Kybermensch - synth / Captain Stridshode - Noise, guitar / Major Sturmgeist - Vocals, guitar / Music recorded & mixed at Simms-Wattistan Studios by mr. Simms-Watts
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