Буллиты в хоккее отработанные до автоматизма. PAVEL BARBER VS. KANE VAN GATE [Shootout Challenge]

Кейн Ван воротчик из Ванкувера и 1 на 1 Challenge в перестрелке по буллитам ..... There’s nothing I love more on this earth than a free meal and hockey. Met up with my good buddy Kane Van Gate in Vancouver and had a 1 on 1 shootout challenge. Kaner is a Beer League Legend, and took the BHL (Beer Hockey League) global with his dedication and focus. He’s actually pretty good too! It’s always a lot of fun hanging out with this guy, and for all you goalies out there, you’ll always be jealous of his setups. And if you haven’t already, you gotta check out his channel. It’s hilarious, espec
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