In this talk Dr Daffern shares from his innermost study some of the discoveries he has been making in the course of doing his epic Philosophical Commentary on the Quran (10 years in the making); he celebrates St Benedict’s Day and recounts his visit to the Monastery of Monte Casino; he shares about his own study of Being and Knowledge and some of the works and ideas that have inspired it; he shares his love of Irish history and culture and the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Britain and Ireland (TRCBI) and why he has opposed Brexit since day one. He talks about the COVID 19
... virus and the forensic research underway with the International Commission of Inquiry into the Aetiology of COVID and a parallel effort underway in the intelligence agencies of the USA to discover its true source - where did this terrible pandemic actually come from? He also comments on the European football contest about to be decided tonight, and suggests some rule changes to make the game less prone to arousing vShow more