In this talk given on 27 June, several topics are raised including the recent Midsummer Solstice Peace festival, the recent Biden-Putin Peace Summit in Geneva and the need for a Cyber Peace Treaty (first mooted by the speaker back in 2017), the work of the International commission of Inquiry into the Aetiology of COVID 19 and its protocols; the WORLD INTELLECTUAL FORUM and its work to galvanise minds cooperatively to avert planetary disaster; the Brexit catastrophe and the deceit at the heart of the Johnson Government and the scandalous behavior of Hancock (now resigned); news of the movement for Scottish independence and the disentangling of the UK nuclear militarized anti European state cabal; the tragedies unfolding in Canada as native people realise the extent of the suffering of their children in a forced school system; an update on the speakers Commentary on the Quran which has taken 10 years so far; and a final valedictory poem..(3)
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