999,999-aire - Мстители - The Avengers - 5x21 - You Have Been Just Murdered (1967)

-How much is that? -920,000. -Right. -l didn’t know you had so much money. -Neither did l. -lf l didn’t know you ’d say you’d been very thrifty. -Forgetful. -Save a little each week, soon amounts up! -Certainly does. -ls it wise to leave all this cash lying around? -You’re quite as it’s counted, l’ll pop down to the bank. this little lot, you’ll be tottering down to the bank. -l see what you l could use an armoured two. -l hope this isn’t going to change your mode of vast wealth. -Of course not! l still retain the old values. -9,999? -lt can’t be! -lmpossible. -You’re one short of a million! -There’s no status without it! Who ever heard of a 999,999-aire? -Wait a ! -l made it! -You are now a self-made, fully fledged, half-penny millionaire.
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