Poland’s Army will reach 300 000 troops NEWS 2021 10 26

The government has prepared a draft of a new defense law that will regulate the development of the Polish Army in the coming years. The draft was presented today by the Head of the ruling Law and Justice Party, Jarosław Kaczynski, and Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak. According to the plan, the number of soldiers will increase and a cyber-defense force will be created. Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczynski, responsible for questions relating to national security, stated that the draft law was created because the old defense law dates back to 1967 and because the international security situation has deteriorated. According to Jarosław Kaczyński the head of the Law and Justice party “a country which is located on the borders of NATO and the EU must have significant capabilities of deterrence. And if needed, hopefully it will never happen, it must be able to efficiently defend itself from an attack.“
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