China Today! Billions of tons of water swept through the city in a matter of minutes

China Today! Billions of tons of water swept through the city in a matter of minutes Bad weather in recent weeks has hit many parts of China. The bad weather took the form of heavy rainfall, causing many rivers in Qingchuan District, Sichuan Province to overflow violently. The maximum rainfall in the Qingchuan area reached more than 240 mm, and the maximum rainfall in the Guangyuan area reached more than 90 mm. The water level in the Tongjiang River Basin and Jialing River Basin where the factory is located has risen rapidly. Facing the first heavy rain since the start of the flood season, the fire brigade team carried out monitoring and early warning, checking embankments, emergency response. #qingchuan #china #sichuan #flood #chinatoday #flashflood #flooding #heavyrain #hail #strongwind #flashflood #wind #weather #tornado #climatechange #cyclone Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado,
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