Two Part Invention (PSP Velvet Room) - Extended - Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Can play within the Velvet Room, though some other tracks may play instead (the tracks operate on a rotation). This can also play in Soul Hackers’ Goumaden :). Playlist: In each Persona 2 game, the Velvet Room tracks rotate, moving each time it’s entered. I did not fact-check the tracklist and simply checked the wiki, but from my 16 playthroughs of Eternal Punishment, I can verify the tracklist (though possibly not the order) for that game is correct. - In Innocent Sin, the rotation is “Aria of the Soul,“ “Clair de Lune,“ and “Gymnopédie No.1.“ - In Eternal Punishment, the rotation is “Aria of the Soul,“ “Gymnopédie No.1,“ “Pathétique,“ and “Two Part Invention .“ The artists are Debussy, Satie, Beethoven, and Bach for “Clair de Lune“ “Gymnopédie No.1,“ “Pathétique,“ and “Two Part Invention ,“ respectively. Atlus owns all of this, not me.
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