Why did All The Religions Come From The Middle East? - Tough Questions To Historian!@Adnan Rashid

Today our guest is Adnan Rashid. We asked him tough questions about history. There were questions like ’’Buddha is said to be a prophet. Is that true?’’, Atheists Say “Islam Was Spread By The Sword!?“ Is that true?, ’’Why did all the religions come from the Middle East?’’, ’’How the Quran has been preserved until today?’’ etc. Thank you. Adnan Rashid Youtube: Adnan Rashid Instagram: You can help us make more and better quality Islamic content: ► ► ►WhatsApp: 90 536 777 51 02 Video Insights: 00:00 Intro 00:55 Why did all the religions come from the Middle East? 02:11 Atheists say that Islam was spread by the sword. Is that true? 04:07 Buddha is said to be a prophet. Is that true? 05:12 Is it true t
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