Hero Spotlight: Felicia Lightwarden

Entry into the Bright College of Altdorf is reserved to the limited few who, through connections or extraordinary luck, are granted a place within. The unlucky majority are usually hunted down and dispatched by traveling Witch Hunters for the crime of hedge wizardry. It is a fate that Felicia Garret, affectionately known as the Flamekissed, all too narrowly escaped. The exact details of her infraction remain unclear but rumors paint a chilling portrait of an apprentice forced to call down the flames upon a Magister that had become corrupted by Chaos. What is known is that in her third year at the Bright College the bulk of the Bright Council was called to extinguish a conjuration of Spreading Flames so powerful that an entire College wing was reduced to slag. Within a matter of days Felicia was passed into journeyman status and assigned to the regiment of Order forces farthest from the Empire and coincidentally the Bright College itself.
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