What was the Early Soviet Union like? | Russia’s 20th century (2/5)

Hi welcome to my YouTube channel which is dedicated towards teaching 20th century history of countries around the world. This is part 2 on my videos on Russia, and it begins at the October Revolution as Lenin and the Bolsheviks come to power. We see Russia’s withdrawal from the First World War, and the collapse of the Russian Empire. To make matters worse, Russia gets plunged into a brutal civil war, but the Reds eventually come out on top, and the Soviet Union is created. Within a few years everyone’s least favourite dictator, Joseph Stalin, comes to power and he begins mass collectivisation and industrialisation in the USSR. Stalin’s rule is also characterised by one of the most repressive periods in history, as he unleashed the Great Terror, slaughtering millions of people and turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian dictatorship - not a fan. Timestamps: 00:00 - Bolshevik rule 02:12 - Russian Civil War 05:35 - Stalin era 07:47 - The Great Terror Thank you to Russiain
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