How to Reignite the Spark in a Relationship [Kabbalah Relationship Tip]

This video looks into ways to bring the spark back. So you’ve been dating each other for a while, or you’ve been married for a few years, but lately, things have been feeling stale. You don’t want to break up, but something has to change or your love life is out the door. So how can you make your relationship feel fresh again? Relationships can lose their spark, that excitement of the hormonal infatuation after two or three years. This initial spark is designed to serve its animalistic purpose of procreation but then fades away. As human lifespan has increased so we remain in a relationship long after this initial spark has done its job. We try everything possible in order to try and keep that spark alive and gradually we start to feel increasingly indifferent toward each other, even if everything seems fine, and we seemingly have all we need, but the feeling of excitement is lost. Rabash, one of the most renowned Kabbalists of the 20th century, used to say, “Love is like a pet. We constantly need to feed i
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