What Is the Purpose of Kabbalah? - 5 Levels of Evolution

“The definition of Kabbalah given by Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) filtered down to its simple meaning is that Kabbalah is a method for attaining a higher reality, and it is available to any person. This brings us to the question: Why would we even want to attain a higher reality? Why would we want to go beyond this world and explore something intangible beyond our five senses? There are a few reasons. One is evolutionary. Our evolution is characterized by a process of constantly developing desires. This process begins with us wanting to fulfill basic individual needs for food, sex, and family. Then, at a certain point, as our desires further develop, we start wanting what others have. The desire for money marks the beginning of our desires’ expansion into the social realm, and we thus develop systems of money and exchange. After the desire for money develops in us, our desires undergo further development. Desires for honor, respect, fame, and control appear, and we see select individuals surf
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