What Does the First Commandment Mean? What Does the Second Commandment Mean?

The first commandment of the ten commandments is as follows: “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” As discussed in the lesson on the ten commandments - - when we attain the higher reality—a perfect total connection with each other—we also realize in full attainment and perception that there is only one force in reality. This is the force that brings us out of the “house of slavery,” which means out of enslavement to the human ego, which always tries to satisfy us but which leaves us constantly dissatisfied. When we become liberated from our egoistic life, we discover a full sensation and perception of the single force that kabbalists call “God,” “the Creator,” “nature” and various other names, which all describe a supreme quality of love and bestowal. This force lets us care for others as we naturally care for ourselves and brings us out of the sensation of being de
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