Средневековый ГОПНИК с Нуля ▶ Новая RPG Песочница Raubritter
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#Raubritter #НоваяИгра #НовостиИгр #ИгровыеНовости
Ready for a medieval survival experience? You want to build but also fight? That is a game for you. You have been robbed from your title and lands. Survive in the dark forest, rob merchants, burn villages, build a camp, gather a fearsome band and reclaim what is rightfully yours!
Почему ранний доступ?
“We launch it in early access for two reasons.
1. A perfect sandbox survival can be made only with cooperation, with your community. We want to develop it, in any way you love to play(democratic rules of course), but we hope you will like our initial ideas too.
2. We need your help to get the balance right and gather information about how to prepare the PVP scenarios.
Our goal is to make a perfect medieval, co-op, bandit-band simulator. With some surprising end-game scenarios.”
Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?
“Depends on how many ideas the community will have. We hope around one-two years.”
Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?
“We plan to add
1. The full story
2a. End game scenarios
3. 40 or more procedural quests
4. A PVP scenario where you can team up with 4 friends and compete with another friend driven band.
5. Buildings and items our community will ask for.
6. Special co-op quests like solving a dungeon or special kind of robberies.
7. Several mini-games
8. Thief skills (pick pocketing - lock picking and sneaking are already in).
9. The special places like the market, monastery, prison etc. will not be a dialogue menu but a place to visit.
10. Character creator - to make your own Raubritter
11. Random Events - like the king’s raid, additional patrols, market day and many others.
12. AI companions to work in your camp to generate resources or bonuses.”
Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?
“The first 20 quests.
The full skill tree and camp buildings. (Indented by us - there is still room for your ideas).
You can play with up to 4 friends in one team.
Settings with many options
Save and autosave system
Robberies and hunting. (You can rob villages, merchants, tax collectors)
After some updates, saves might go corrupt. But we will inform about an update at least 2 weeks before it.
After some updates saves might go corrupt. But we will inform about an update at least 2 weeks before it.”
Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?
“Yes the price will definitly rise.”
In the medieval Europe, to be the younger brother was a harsh business. The elder one often saw you as a threat - so as fast as he claimed his lands and title, he cast the younger siblings out or even killed them.
The cast out brothers were to pride to work at the villages or serve as wretched mercenaries. So they often formed bands and started to rob merchants in the lands nearby. They were well-trained, equipped and very ambitious. Which made them very dangerous enemies. They were called the Raubritters.
You are one of them - but your story, started, a little bit different.
Raubritter is a bridge between survival simulators, RPGs and co-op games.
Survival - First you have to survive in the forest and build your camp before you will be able to establish your band and saw fear in the hearts of the local merchants and landlords.
RPG: Develop your character, your base and your band. Fight and build your legend.
Simulation: Create and upgrade your weapons, build your camp and his defenses, plan your raids and execute them perfectly. And if you are bored with robbing simple merchants, maybe you are bold enough to burn a village or an even castle?
Strategy: Decide who fights and who sustains the camp. Will you move your camp, so the guards do not find you, or do you want to build up strong defenses and fight them off? Many choices stand before you. Choose wrong and die.
Автор видео имеет нейтральную позицию по всем политическим, религиозным вопросам и событиям. Действия и слова автора являются лишь отыгрышем роли в игре. История в этом видео, основанная на реа
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