Houdini Tutorial: Vortex Smoke Portal

Hi everyone! In this tutorial, I want to show you a workflow that I use a lot of times. We have reached a significant amount of tutorials and projects, and I want to show you why I explore that many random topics and why it is helpful to download the projects. In this tutorial, we will build a complex scene by combining the knowledge we got from 2 different tutorials. I’m going to show how to do it step by step, and you will see you can quickly create a complex VFX in Houdini by using previous projects. One of the things I most love about Houdini is the reuse of complex systems that we have built-in previous projects. I hope you enjoy this new tutorial and this workflow, and I hope it will help in future works! ► Doxia Studio’s Website: ► Tutorials: ► Senzu Seeds: ► Foundation: ► Known Origin: https://know
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