“Who Is Your Mentor?” Niklaas Möhle, Germany | God the Mother, WMSCOG

When we look back on our life, we realize that we have received help from a mentor many times to get where we are today. You cannot do everything perfectly by yourself without receiving help from someone else. In other words, a big part of our success depends on who our mentor is. Today, the World Mission Society Church of God is continuing to grow and astonish the world. The Church of God has received many presidential awards, like the U.K. Queens Award for Voluntary Service, three different presidential certificates in Korea, and the US Presidents Volunteer Service Award. Who is the mentor of the Church of God that made it so successful? Isa 54:13 “All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children’s peace.” The prophet Isaiah predicted that God would be our mentor. In Isaiah who does “your children” refer to? When we read the previous verses, we realize „your children“, represent the children of the city Jerusalem. Then, whom does Jerusa
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