Phillipines Asteroid #asteroid #philippines #astronomy #shorts
The asteroid known as the 2024 RW1 was discovered by research technologist Jacqueline Fazekas with NASA-funded Catalina Sky Surveysmall asteroid headed for Earth burned up in the atmosphere on Wednesday without causing any harm. The 3-foot space rock entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the northernmost island of the Philippine archipelago at around 12:46 pm ET (1646 GMT). It hit at an expected speed of 17.6 kilometres per second, or 63,360 kilometres per hour, before creating a “spectacular fireball” that lit up the sky.
Asteroid hits Earth’s atmosphere, burns up over Philippines
#asteroid #asteroidhittingearth #asteroidimpact
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6 months ago 00:00:15 1
Phillipines Asteroid #asteroid #philippines #astronomy #shorts