Друзья! Сегодня у меня огромная радость поделиться с вами моим новым официальным альбомом “Dreamhouse“!🔥Это особенный проект, ведь он собрал многие мои любимые работы! 12 треков (2017-2022), каждый из которых как музыкальное путешествие! Альбом доступен на всех цифровых музыкальных площадках по ссылке!
Friends! Today I have a great joy to share with you my new official album “Dream house“!🔥This is a special project, because it has collected many of my favorite works! 12 tracks (2017-2022), each of which is like a musical journey! The album is available on all digital music platforms at th
...e link!
👉Поддержка творчества (Любой Донат): 7951 539 4807 (Сбер/Тинькофф)
👉Donation Alerts:
Label: Amase Music, 2023
A-Mase is a versatile sound producer and DJ who has made a significant impact on the music industry. His first breaks release, “Emotions & Dreams,“ released in 2011, has become a classic of atmobeaks music. His remix of the Rave Channel project was released by Armada Records in 2013, gaining recognition and support from many well-known artists in the industry. Vladimir Fonarev, the guru of Russian dance music, supported A-Mase music in his radio shows, where many of his tracks became the best track of the program. A-Mase has received support from various top artists, including Above & Beyond, Paul Van Dyk, Cosmic Gate, Bobina, Matt Darey, Myon & Shane54, and Paul Oakenfold. In 2016, A-Mase transitioned to house music, and in 2017-2020, he created a project with Sharliz, which focuses on live performances. In addition, he produced the Lost Stations project with Alex Sheronov, focused on Progressive Breaks music. A-Mase also started the Sam Alien project in 2020 (TracksSupport VINI VICI, Simon Patterson, Beatport Psy-Top100), writing Psy trance, and the Ensonic - Progressive House project.
Follow A-Mase
Instagram: @amase_samalien
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