Tel Aviv ranked world’s most expensive city to live in

세계에서 가장 물가 비싼 도시 ‘텔아비브’…서울은 12위 The most expensive city in the world to live in, according to the Economist, is the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv, this year topping the list for the first time. In the ranking by the Economist Intelligence Unit Tel Aviv was in fifth place a year ago but rose to number one based on the strength of the Israeli currency against the dollar as well as a rise in transport and grocery prices. In compiling the list, the Economist surveys the prices of goods and services in U.S. dollars in 173 cities around the world. Jointly in second place were Paris and Singapore. The Korean capital Seoul was ranked 12th. #TelAviv #Israeli_capital #Themostexpensivecity 📣 Arirang News(Facebook) : 📣 Arirang News(Twitter) : 📣 News C
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