[Dreamtale Original] SharaX - Benevolence

Hullo! I wasn’t really sure what to do for Dream initially, but I guess that’s how this original series has been going so far with each of these characters (「・ω・)「 I knew I wanted to do something with bells, a harpsichord, & piano somewhere etc, but I didn’t want to write a track that was too mellow, at least not for these first attempts. An uplifting progression was a natural choice, but I didn’t want something that was too “happy go lucky“ cheery as this track included part of Malevolence’s melody (and could be a bit out of context if I were to style this track to be rainbows and unicorns, per say). I styled the drop at 1:00 to have more “2010 pop-sounding“ lead with a lighter bassline, as I wanted the focus to be on the instruments rather than the bass in my other stuff. Overall took about 15 hours & am very happy with the result!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜ 🥭 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲
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