Led Zeppelin - Dancing Days Guitar Lesson

Buy Now: Led Zeppelin “Dancing Days“ guitar lesson. Today we’re using the Wampler Plexi-Drive to deliver the midrange “honk“ and note definition of an early Marshall amp. When playing this song live, Jimmy Page keeps the guitar in Open G tuning but leaves off the slide so he can include some overdubs which are tricky with a bottleneck on. Open G chords tend to sound happier but Dancing Days uses some interesting phrasing that strays from your familiar Stones riffs. Multiple pull-offs are used on the B string and can be a challenge to play clean while keeping with this song’s heavy groove. Page’s live version also bounces between the main rhythm and the overdubbed arpeggio with keeps the bare essentials in the tune with just one guitarist. Enjoy your riff of the day guitar lesson. #riffoftheday #guitarlesson #ledzeppelin
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