全集 | 天降姻缘,无限重生💞少女魂穿古代世子妃,陷入生死循环只为拯救老公 | 爱情古装悬疑【戏精自救攻略🎇Her Love Beyond Time】MultiSub

▶️全集播放: ▶剧情介绍: 该剧以平阳王世子沈怀瑾的暴毙为开端,讲述了一个现代女偶然穿越到古代,夺取了痴傻世子妃李采薇的身份,并因为祁国的传统——夫死妻随,被迫参与冥婚,从而进入了生死循环。在这个过程中,李采薇试图摆脱这个循环,以拯救她的爱人沈怀瑾...... Actress Li Wei Wei time travels to ancient times and takes the place of the silly princess Li Cai Wei, who is engaged to Shen Hua Jin. But on the day before they are scheduled to marry, he’s murdered. Suddenly she finds that they are all stuck in a time loop, and so Hua Jin and Wei Wei try to save him and break the time loop by solving who is targeting him and why. #戏精自救攻略 #森宇古装剧场 #古装剧 #爱情 #悬疑 #甜宠
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