Cyberpunk 2077 - vkd3d-proton/wine | Quick test
no winetricks
runs but have poor performance and GPU hangs at random times.
Recorded with:OBS (nvenc 1440p60, CQP 17, Preset Max Quality)
Edited with: kdenlive (x264/mp4, 1440p60, Quality 15/Audio 192kbps)
Intro: by user colonelkoik
System Specs:
Processor:AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
Memory:32 GB DDR4 3200
Video Card:Zotac 1080Ti AMP Extreme
Sound Card:Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Motherboard:Asus Prime X370 Pro
Monitors: AOC AG 271QX 1440p 144hz 27“ Benq GW2765 1440p 27“
Operating System:Arch Linux 64bit
Filesystem: ext4
Nvidia drivers:
Desktop Environment: MATE