[RUS] ЭТО НЕ МАП-ПАРТ(!!!), я делаю этот ремейк в одиночку чисто для того чтобы оценить свои навыки в аниматорстве.
Я был очень вдохновлён SSS, и потому я решил сделать свой неофициальный ремейк их интро, оригинал и сама студия указаны ниже.
[ENG] THIS IS NOT A MAP-PART(!!!), I’m doing this remake alone purely to evaluate my skills in animation.
I was very inspired by SSS and so I decided to make my own unofficial remake of their intro, the original and the studio itself has indicated below.
SSS - @ssswarriorcats
Original intro -
Song - 白夜 〜True Light〜 [宮本 駿一]
I hope you like my work, therefore, please subscribe to me, it will take a couple of seconds, and I will be pleased, the subscription is always free, you can unsubscribe from me at any time~
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TAGS (don’t pay attention to it): warrior cats, warriors, animation, sss, firepaw, cats, warrior, youtube, yuji, zing, the, firestar, wild, anime, series, longtail, rusty, into, erin hunter, flash, bluestar, badasi, aluri, cat, rosi, wanton, fan, movie, into the wild, sss warrior cats, greypaw, graypaw, episodes, show, alu, animated, action, books, spottedleaf, intro, erin, hunter, map, art, warriors (novel series), challenge, prophecy, book, 3d warriors, lionheart, part, map part, fireheart, ravenpaw, tigerstar, voice acting, analysis, funny, warrior cats movie, episode, sss warriors, graystripe, tigerclaw, lionblaze, evangelion, nge, neon genesis evangelion, ivypaw, complete, erbow, bluestars prophecy, warriors map, warriors, animation, funny, animated, compilation, 2d animation, incredibles, anime, pixar, animated short film, animationmeme, tiktok, kuzco, finding nemo, nutshellanimations, nutshellstudios, kung fu panda, alan becker, aladdin, cgi, parody, ai animation, zootopia, comedy, not your type, boo, mike wazowski, cas animation, ratatouille, free, jasmine, cas van de pol, frame by frame, monsters inc, 3d animation, wall-e, bruno, eve, sonic, short film, short animation, encanto, mirabel, nemo, the incredibles, lilo and stitch, animation
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