UDK - Interactive Real-Time Architecture Visualisation -- Final Production

Following on from the draft version is this final production and result of my project. As an architecture student we get the opportunity to go off and study something separate from the usual design modules that relates back to architecture -- some people will write a dissertation, others make something tangible, however I have always seen it as an opportunity to further my 3D visual skills. This project first of all looks at the feasibility of using computer game technology/engines (in this case UDK) for architectural visualisation. From further digging though, it became apparent that potentially there is much more it can be used for. So after the initial virtual representation of environments (either proposed or existing) I am aiming to take from online multiplayer games and explore the potential of creating these spaces as a basis for human interaction. For example, is the latest proposed sports stadium once designed created so that full design meetings can be held in them without any of the
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