Leveling Up with the Smartest AI NPCs for Games

🎮 Step into a world where NPCs are more than just side characters. Powered by AI, Inworld NPCs possess a mind of their own, unlocking next-level role-playing and unreal immersion. See them in action in experiences from NetEase Games, Niantic, LG, Neal Stephenson, and in community-created mods of GTA V and Skyrim. We surveyed 1,000 gamers and 99% believe advanced AI NPCs would positively impact gameplay. 78% of would spend more time playing. And 81% of gamers would be willing to pay more for a game with advanced AI NPCs capable of: 🎓 Learning and adapting 😅 Navigating complex emotional relationships 🐘 Exhibiting memory and recall 🗺️ Sticking to a 4th wall to stay in-world 🤸 Autonomously initiating goals, performing actions, and following their own motivations that can drive the narrative and integrate with the broader player experience. Inworld’s Character Engine goes beyond existing large language models (LLMs) and chatb
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