Holy macaroni, how long as it been since I not only made a video but one that was actually on time for your birthday? I think this marks three years since the last time I made you a birthday edit, and I’m hoping I can make a habit of this!
Admittedly, I wanted to make you a second edit for your birthday since I feel that a Clone Wars edit would be a great companion piece for this and because we both know we’re both Star Wars junkies after 2020, but I only have so much time on my hands these days!
Regardless, happy birthday! I really hope you enjoy this edit, I know I showed you early footage when I was first developing it, but I don’t think I showed you anything beyond like 10 seconds of time XD! I know I say it a lot in DMs, but I’m so happy to have a friend like you around so much, even as you’re growing increasingly busy with your education and building your portfolio, you have no idea how much it impresses me that you’re still able to edit so much and