dcs world Боевой разворот пилотаж #cy33 #crazyrussianpilot дкс на русском #Chandelle

dcs world Боевой разворот пилотаж #cy33 #crazyrussianpilot дкс на русском #Chandelle The chandelle is an aircraft control maneuver where the pilot combines a 180° turn with a climb. It is now required for attaining a commercial flight certificate in many countries. The Federal Aviation Administration in the United States requires such training. The chandelle (which is the French word for candle) is a precision aircraft control maneuver, and not strictly speaking an aerobatic, dogfighting, or aerial combat maneuver, however it was used with success by Japanese Zero pilots of the Tainan Air Group in 1942 over New Guinea. The pilot enters a chandelle at a pre-determined airspeed in the normal cruising range for the aircraft. To begin the maneuver the pilot first rolls the aircraft in the desired direction with the controls (the ailerons), and quickly but smoothly establishes a medium-banked turn. In most small aircraft (cruising speeds of 100–175 KIAS) this bank will be about 30° to
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