Michael Crusader( My new idea ,for,classic, for Abba! For love! person!)

Today Birthday new my idea! I`in feelings,what`s ,for company-with my new composer sincere ,seat in my music-room -Missis Anna Agnetha in my sincere adres ,what`s i`sing ,open and person-legendary-soft-velvet-power-voice!! For sincere company!!! I`and missis Anna in big -in very sincere ,feelinds =big melodc work! For light,future -composer! Why i`in big dreams?..My school -softley-velvet-sing =With my young= School =Missis Anna Agnetha Faltskog too! I`not open pladiats for tembr and for maner! I`with childhood and in young ,hear person my voice and open new person,,In proces my nusicaln-life ,and my sincere sing ! I`not sweete liar for maner! I` in feelings -inspire open my person feelings -soul in my sing and ,etc hear and hear ,and little and big too,understand ,what`s my softley-velvet=not one in one with missis Anna! I`man! with young No smoking! And not very -open drink-beer! My voice and in my 51,softley-velvet! Too!
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