Michael Crusader - My person melodic new idea! Variant N2!

My idea in legendary nord talantl-magik adress : Missis ANNA and too in adress my future woman what`s too on earth one ,what`s and dear Missis ANNA!In real time =in my soul open your my real tekst on english for sincere in big my feelings =love!! ..Ohh you small- young very dear you what`s very dear ,softley -flower in you light morning you new person you very dear ..in my soul and in my `s not need close with you pictures you very dear life!..Ohh you white in sincere big feelings -softley-rose ..What`s big not open-sincere in company you girls!..And you go in life with you person fantastish vision on real world! What`s everyday open and close you doors you person fantastish ` ll newer forget ..you light magik you light magik blue `s real magik magnit give in sincere you big feelings me understand ..what`s you on earth one what`s and I` am in my life too one&#
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