Кола Архангельской губернии 1910 г. / Kola Arkhangelsk province 1910

Кола Архангельской губернии 1910 г. Kola Arkhangelsk province 1910 Музыка: Две песни из Архангельской области: 1. Голубочик, да мой сизе ... ой, мой сизенко, ясный сокол чик ... Лирическая песня 2. Еще во саду, сад ... Свадебная окликальная песня Music: Two songs from the Arkhangelsk region: 1. Lyrical song - Golubochik, yes my sise.... 2. Back in the garden, the garden Here I present a series of photographs, attributed to Gustaf Axel Hallström (July 11, 1880 - October 5, 1962). Hallström was a Swedish archaeologist and photographer from Södermalm in Stockholm. Unfortunately, none of the photographs are collated or titled. Yet they give a good impression of Kola and the inhabitants in pre-revolutionary Russia. The ancient inhabitants of this country were Samoyeds, Lapps and Zyrians, which until now lived in Arkhangelsk province, retained their names, language and way of life.
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