It hasn’t taken long for Amsterdam based trio MY BABY to build up a formidable live reputation by touring relentlessly and by creating a unique, one of a kind sound. Not only have their shows perfectly bridged the gap between Rock and Dance Music. Their roots driven hypnotic dance music has casted a formidable spell and has taken the world by storm. For the first time the band explained in front of the camera how they we’re formed and how their sound originated.
Who Are
Cato van Dijck
Joost van Dijck
Daniel de Vries
Quita Ruijgrok
Director of photography
Evert Bazuin
Emma Mandjes
Sound Desgin
Suzanne Boekesteijn
Production assistant
Roos Hopman
Thanks to
Steijn Koeijvoets
Frank Sutherland
Mickey Smid
Electric monkey studio
Dougal Hallowes
Didgeridoo played by Dougal Hallowes
Archival footage
Source: Youtube
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