CASHCACHE x TONY SHHNOW TYPE BEAT TUTORIAL 2023 [how to make smooth plugg beat] | Hugee Boy
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New drum kit for subscribers on my channel
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📩For communicate - hugeebusiness4u@ OR DM Instagram
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Pandora VST and kits here -
❗HUGEE20 - promocode 20€❗
Final beat is free for non-profit/demo use.
HOW TO MAKE PLUGG BEAT FOR DIEGO MONEY [MexikoDro x StoopidXool type beat tutorial] | Hugee Boy
Big Plugg Loop Kit -
My preset kit -
Full MexikoDro x Pluggnb drum kit -
Free MexikoDro x Pluggnb drum kit -
Plugg Loop Kit -
If you use this beat non-profit, you must specify production ( Hugee Boy)
Go Listen my beats to the end (because dis shit is so hard)💯
Don’t forget press like and subscribe on my channel (of course, if you like my beat)
We are together gang💪🏻❤
0:00 - Preview of final beat
0:22 - Melody
4:00 - Drums
7:39 - Mix
10:21 - Structure of beat
11:52 - Final beat
***Ignore Tags***
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