Dean & Sam| you are the Fire

“You are the fire, and I don’t need no water...“ I OWN NOTHING AND I DON’T TAKE CREDIT OF ANYTHING EXCEPT THE EDITING! This is just for fun! Please watch in HD, the coloring will look amazing! :’) aahh this song screams bromance! I’ve been working on this video a looong basically it’s just some of their cute brotherly fluff moments plus a song. haha it’s pretty rushed at some got bored xDD Huuge thanks to Anja for her heelp, big hugs sent your way twinnie! ;D Coloring: by Leslie OMG!! *________* This coloring IS ON FIRE it’s like the song is made for this color! xD klsdgnnnsdgl I love it SO much, actually re-uploaded this JUST ´so that i could use this magnificent peice of art! :’))))) Song: pm me please and i’ll tell you [you know copyright and all...] Footage; Supernatural ;**** Twitter: #!/svesh95 Backup:
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